But first let's start at the beginning: breakfast!
I made a pumpkin pie green monster...

I know it looks foul but it was pretty good. I definitely overdid it with the cinnamon and agave syrup because those flavors overpowered everything else...
For lunch I used my roasted vegetable leftovers in a salad.

On the side I brought crumbled goat cheese and fat-free balsamic vinaigrette.
*Side note: I never know how to spell vinaigrette, I always have to look it up. For some reason the word makes no sense to me, it comes from the word "vinegar" so logically it would be spelled "vinegrette". Am I right???
This lunch was good except that the roasted zucchini was a bit mushy so I tossed those. I think they lend themselves better to a different form of cooking. The brusselsprouts and cauliflower worked fabulously in the salad though and I was very happy to use up my leftovers in this healthy lunch :)
And now.... the main event....

It's only $3.50 and after 12 minutes of baking, you will have the most amazing dinner ever! It was a great reward for all the cleaning we did :)
And because I had all this extra time from NOT working out, blondies it was!

These truly were the "lazy girl"'s chocolate chip cookies. In fact, I managed to mix my batter in ONE bowl. It is truly one of the simplest recipes you'll ever make! Pop on over to Eat Live Run for the full recipe and details.
How do you like to jazz up leftovers the next day?
What's your favorite pre-made meal?
those cookies look amazing.