It's only been a day but I've been hard at work using up my farmers' market fruits! Here's a fun recipe for you now that the weather is changing... enter vanilla protein oatmeal with peaches. The perfect transition breakfast!

- 1/3 cup rolled oats
- 2/3 cup almond milk
- 1/2-1 tbspn almond butter
- 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
- 1 1/2 tbspn chopped pecans
- 1/2 ripe peach
- agave to taste
- cinnamon to taste
Mix oats, almond milk and almond butter in a bowl. Microwave on high for 2 1/2 minutes. Stir vanilla protein powder, pecans, and agave into the oats. Top with sliced peach and cinnamon. Don't forget to freeze the other half of your peach for smoothies!

MmmMmmmmmm.... Why are farmers' market peaches so much juicier and tastier than grocery store peaches?? This tasted like the best of summer and fall rolled into one bowl!
And here's a quick and easy crowd (or in this case, boyfriend) pleaser to make use of your strawberries:

- strawberries, rinsed and dried
- handful of chocolate chips
Microwave the chocolate chips on high for a minute, stir, microwave on high for 30 more seconds, stir. Continue until chocolate is melted. Dip and swirl strawberries into melted chocolate and place on parchment paper to dry (not on a plate like me, they stuck). Place in fridge to cool until chocolate hardens.

Matt DEVOURED these. He specially requested them and I delivered. I'm such a good girlfriend!
I work for a surfboard company here in Los Angeles (how California of me!) and we had a stand up paddle board demo day last Sunday. It's always a lot of fun getting out there on the SUPs and I even saw sea lions in the water where I was!
While the day in the sand and sun was a tremendous time, my legs felt unbelievably dry by the end. I didn't have a good scrub on hand and it was too late to make a trip to Bath and Bodyworks so, what's a girl to do? I grabbed these two:


Tada! Cheap instant body scrub!! This really did the trick and sloughed off all the dead skin cells leaving my legs soft and moisturized :)
Matt did ask me what the weird tupperware in the shower was and I told him that he's not allowed to call me out on the quirky things I do! We laughed..
Hee, I'm a fan of the chocolate-dipped strawberries :P Good jerb!